Many Thanks!
We owe a deep debt of gratitude to our dear friends who also became our willing and faithful readers: Dan Mosby and Kathy Peterson; and Peg McMullen and Mick Brownfield. They consistently provided constructive feedback and encouragement about our drafts, and were gently patient during our extended delays. However, we are ultimately responsible for the final version that appears on these pages.
We’re also very grateful to Cheryl’s cousin-in-law, Buddy Finethy, who is an extraordinarily talented artist. He created the first iteration of our wonderful book cover. He also created the original graphics for our “Love Tenderly” sticker.
A huge thanks goes out to Bob’s daughter, Julia Pearson, for beautifully creating our website at It felt great to see it become a reality. Julia also was instrumental in creating the final version of our “Love Tenderly” sticker — available now. See RESOURCES: STICKERS. In addition, Julia formatted our book for publication and updated our book cover to its final image, which we love. So many thanks to Julia!
Finally, we want to acknowledge and thank all those connected with Better Marriages that have contributed to our growth as a couple. We’re especially grateful to Bob and Bess Mosby for their valuable contributions to the dialogue process and for asking us to make our first presentation to a meeting of the St. Louis chapter, which they founded. We’re also especially grateful to Anne and Rod Johnson, who first encouraged us to join the organization, and who facilitated and nurtured our former marriage enrichment group during its early stages